African GrandMa
  • Wilson Omofuma
  • People/Potraits
  • Professional
  • 6754
  • Abuja
  • Vote Now
Device Name: Canon 6D Mark II

African GrandMa

If I had any super powers, it will be the ability to go back into time. I have never known my paternal grandparents nor my maternal grandfather just my grandma. At the beginning of this year, I had a very strong urge to photograph her because I felt in every conceivable manner, she is the only link to our past on the family tree, and the bridge to our future while we stand as bow from which the next generations are sent forth on this lovely blue marble (Earth). Many of us Sometimes, think about what our great great grandparents looked like, their names, the kind of lifestyle they lived, their occupation, and their religion, and like myself often times we take a stroll in our minds creating a world for them in our minds - a world borne out of the movies we have seen or the books we have read describing ancient civilizations available to them, and its kind of staggering to see how much has changed in so short a time. But, however we try, we rarely know who our ancestors were. Who can even remember the names of their grandparents or great grandparents for they have vanished into the dim and distant past.

About Contestant


Wilson is a Nigerian based photographer whose work and creativity is based on fine art and portrait photography whilst infusing our own touch f nativity.

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